Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Express yourself by Giving Props

You know how you get that good feeling when you see something positive? You might even say out loud, "That's cool." The feeling fades if there is nothing you can do about it, but if you can express the feeling, it lasts longer. Giving Props lets you express the feeling - even if you aren't giving money right now.

Those who are giving a few dollars to Propits also know that the feeling is MUCH stronger when you know that you helped that positive thing a little bit. When you help, you are a part of that success story. You get a little piece of that success and positive work in your heart. That energy takes root in you, and generates more success and positivity in your life.

You will be amazed when you look back on this time at the start of 2010. There is a quiet revolution sweeping the economy right now, called by various names - micro-giving, micro-donations, crowd-sourcing... You are a part of that via Propits. The Internet will roar as the infrastructure which enables the democratization of money. Expressing support and inspiring each other to create is the original higher purpose of money.

I want to encourage you to continue giving props to your friends as well as people doing good work in the world. Propits is still small - we have 78 users - so you might check out the Featured section (www.madpropits.com/featured) for cool things you can support. You should also invite people who should be supported (www.madpropits.com/share). Who do you know that deserves more for what they do?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Online content without advertising

One of the great dilemmas of our modern time is advertising. People rarely enjoy advertising – consumers don’t like to be subjected to it and businesses don’t like to pay for it. Media sites don’t like having to interrupt content with advertising, and yet they must sell advertising to support their content generation expenses. There are some hilarious web-comics, incredibly helpful forums, and highly instructional how-to sites that rely on advertising to exist. How would a popular free-content website survive without ads?

They can now do it with a Propits button. Users who regularly follow the site can Give Props to it. If it’s a good site with a large following, it will be supported regularly. Loyal users can put that website in their permanent Propit list and create a stream of income to support technical and content expenses. Advertising can go away, and everyone rejoices (except the advertising companies).

Not only do ads go away, but websites can be driven again by content that inspires loyalty and good feelings, instead of shocking content or odd webpage structure designed to trick users into visiting and clicking banners. Imagine an Internet that was trying to inform, educate, and entertain instead of spam, disturb, and entrap.
