Friday, November 7, 2008

What's next for Propits

Hello Propits enthusiasts!

If you're not already a Propits enthusiastic, you ought to be, because the more we think about it, the more awesome it gets. Not only does Propits have the power to eliminate advertising, streamline media, and reward cultural contributions on the Internet, but it also has the potential to revolutionize social class divisons, revitalize the economy, and empower the average person to design their own career in life.


It does all this by allowing money to flow wherever good feelings flow. If you can make someone feel good, they will prop you without hesitation, and props do translate into financial support. That means you can sit down and think about what makes the world a better place, do that, and be supported by those you assist. Think about how that could change the nature of work in modern society. It's like the opposite of a corporation.

But before we can get there, of course, Propits needs to saturate the known world. And to do that, we are focusing our efforts now on two things:

The first thing is brand clarity. The great world-saturating brands have clear, easily recognizable trans-cultural symbols. We're developing that now, and a new series of badges will emerge that strike a balance between user customization and brand clarity.

The second thing is intuitive usability. Once a person is setup on Propits, it's the easiest thing in the world to use, and that's where we focused our efforts initially. Now it's becoming clear from beta user feedback (thanks guys!) that getting setup is less clear and is serving as an impediment. So, we'll be streamlining the site design, adding a screen-cast video that walks you through it, and re-organizing the FAQ in a "Get Started!" way.

Thanks for your help! We'll look back on this time as the dawn of something amazing, and you'll be proud to know you were involved.

If you're not involved.... what are you waiting for? Email us at so we can invite you into the beta!

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