Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Super excited about new features!

Hi all... Thomas and I were chatting last night about the "prop by email" feature. I've been having so much fun with that just as a user. I think I Propped about 25 people last night that I think are cool but who haven't yet discovered Propits. I got that warm glow of sending out good intentions (and about 29 cents to each person). It was nice for me to get back in touch with the simple generosity of using Propits as we approach our 1 year anniversary. I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am!

1 comment:

Thomas said...

I'm excited about this, too! I finally got to prop some folks that I've been wanting to for a good long time! If there is anyone out that that you want to prop, but doesn't have an account, just drop in their email, and let us take care of that!
