Monday, October 26, 2009

Thugged out since cub scouts

I just heard a song that made me giggle. It's called "Thugged out Since Cub-Scouts", by CunninLynguists. It made me laugh a bit because I was in cub-scouts, and grew up in the ghetto. Although I wasn't "thugged out" so to speak, I could relate with a lot of the emotion of the song (even though I get the impression that they were never actually in cub-scouts).

The desire to express our personality, to exclaim who we are, and what we are about to anyone who will listen is actually very natural. We all do it in one way or another. In some cases (as with the gangsta' troop 859) it's overt. In other cases it's very subtle (what you wear, how you speak, etc). Everyone does it. Even the people who say they don't do it because they don't care what people think about them, are expressing that they are the sort of person who doesn't care what other people think of them. Sorry...

We all care what people think about us. We may not care what every person thinks of us, but we have opinions about other people's opinions of us at some level.

When it comes to economics, this is important. Only in recent years have people bothered to look into what they are calling "psycho-economics", or "behavioral economics"; the effect of the irrational mind on the economy. Up until now, if you can believe it, they thought that entire groups of people could be expressed with simple mathematical formula. That every human had an inherent "completely rational" side that took in all information and made the objectively best decision. It's like they never went outside.

The fact of the matter is, that everyone wants to be liked by someone else. And this desire drives us to do things that aren't perfectly rational like buying over-priced clothing, eating at un-healthy restaurants that are too expensive, driving in un-safe ways, listening to (and therefore supporting) certain types of music, etc. The list goes on and on. And if we are going to be reasonable, we can see how those actions impact real industry in one way or another.

So, what do you want to be known for? Why do you want people to like you, and who are those people? Is it working?

Sometimes it's hard to know. It's hard to know who you are communicating to with your words and actions. It's hard to know why you are doing it (our own real desires are sometimes hidden to us). It's hard to know if the message is getting out there.

Enter Propits.

Propits lets you put yourself out there in any way you like, and get real feedback (and a real piece of the irrational economy) for it. You can clarify who you are to others, who you are trying to be, and how well it is working.

What's your dream? What's your legacy? Are they the same?

Help us make the world better by giving people the power to really and truly support themselves and their loved-ones in doing whatever it is that is important in their lives. Help us help others clarify their dreams and visions, and become the people they want to become, whoever that might be.

Weather you were trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent, or if you just want people to think you were, get a button, and get to making the world around you better.

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