User Alerts
You can now customize automated alert emails that will let you know when certain events happen. For example, the defaults are to alert you if your monthly credit card charge fails, and when your account balance reaches $100. To find out more, log in to your account, and click "Edit my profile". From there, click on the new "Alerts" tab.
You now have a statistics page on your account. When you log in, click on "Account Statistics" above your Props sliders, and you can find out all sorts of cool information about your account.
Featured Proppers
In the top nav-bar, there is now a link called "Featured". This is replacing the spammy, "show every single page on every CMS ever" sightings page. Feel free to email us suggestions for things that you would like to see there.
Better suggestions
Head over to to suggest more sights that you want to see a Give Props button. For the more web-savy of the world, there is also a special bookmark that you can add that will let you drop us suggestions while you are surfing around the web.
Speed improvements and bug fixes
We always want to squash the bugs that sometimes plague a computer system. So we've done that. Along the way we installed some monitoring software to let us know what the slowest parts of the system are, and are working on getting those to be faster.
As always, shoot us an email at if there is something that you want to see. We are adding new stuff all the time, and would love to hear your ideas!
You have a major security vulnerability in your implementation of propits. Your props buttons become a form at which to enter your username and password. Thus, you make people accustomed to entering their propits username and password on sites they want to give props to, so nothing stops such a site from phishing for propits usernames and passwords.
Clicking a props button should instead take you to the propits site to log in and give props. That way, people know to *only* enter their propits login information on the propits site.
Hi Josh,
Thanks for the comment. This is a discussion that Kevin and I have had at great length. The solution that we came up with is simple: You can't do anything malicious with someone's Propits username and password. The worst that can happen is someone can log in with a stolen account, prop themselves, and wait 30 days for a few bucks. If it really bothers someone, they can contact us and we can resolve it, but in reality, there isn't any sensitive information on your Propits account that someone could do something bad with.
The other thing is that you should only give props to people that you trust. If someone had a website with a Propits button that got thousands of people in a short period of time (making it worth the phishing scam), then they are high-profile, and people who prop them probably actually like them. One could betray that trust a single time, but in the end, it wouldn't impact any individual in any appreciable way.
I'm so glad to see that people are putting thought into the process and making it their own.
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