Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Prop by email is a hit!

As we suspected, Propping people via email is a big hit. About 70 more people have received cash from Propits via email, and many of those have converted into full Propits users. I'm so pleased to see the community growing!

More ideas in the works, more ways to Prop...


Johan D'hondt said...

I love this new feature!
Is there a way to be notified if/when that person signs up?

Is there a possibility that maybe a cloud of recently propped people through e-mail or button will appear on the frontpage of the madpropits website? that way, people who get propped, may have an even better chance to get more as a result of the visibility in the cloud.
and maybe, have the possibility to embed a cloud of propped people on any website.

keep it coming!we are loving it!

Thomas said...

Well, we can't publish a list just because we didn't feel it would be right of us to post people's email addresses publicly without their consent.

As far as getting notified if they sign up, there isn't an official way to do this, but you can make their prop permanent (click the "Manage props" button on your home page after logging in). When they sign up it will automatically change from their email to their name when they sign up.

Thanks for supporting us, and giving us feedback. The more feedback we get from people the more brain-worms work their way into full-fledged features, so don't be shy!

